A Soviet Ukrainian made violent farcical yet quite faithful adaptation of the famous Robert Louis Stevenson's book that combines animated sequences...
Treasure Island: Part I – Captain Flint's Map
Young Jim Hawkins finds himself serving with pirate captain Long John Silver in search of a buccaneer's treasure, in this Soviet Ukrainian animated...
Treasure Island
A film adaptation of the story of the same name by Aleksandr Serafimovich about the participation of young people in the revolution and civil war.
Two Deaths
Treasure Island: Part II - Captain Flint's Treasure
Historical and military film about the exploits of fighters during Kyiv defense against the onset of the Nazi troops. In virtually hopeless situation...
The Kyiv Direction
A romantic comedy about a young officers from army base.
The Keys of Skies
1941. The soldier, a young poet takes the wounded commander out of the battlefield. The commander dies and the soldier is wounded. He was a long way...
Love Awaits Those Who Return
School of working youth. A new teacher of Russian language and literature comes here. Soon, Yelena Nikolayevna realizes that it is impossible to make...
Each Evening After Work
Happy Birthday
Hello, Gnat!