The film portraits a complicated journey thru life, love and hate of a homosexual in Russia. Before an important audition, the opera teacher...
Winter Journey
The film follows Denis, a young aspiring DJ who, although poor, has everything else in his favor: a calling in life as a musician, good friends and a...
In this hit Russian musical, a group of friends flaunts Soviet authority in 1950s Moscow by embracing jazz. When Communist Mels falls for Polly, a...
In a nostalgic Moscow of 1976, an unlucky actor meets a charismatic writer, a living classic of Soviet literature, who turns his life into a...
A Portrait Of A Stranger
It's a story of 29-year-old top-manager Max who is really sure he is absolutely successful. All his life is around earning and spending money. But...
Contemporary Moscow. Nikita and Afina are the perfect couple: young, smart, attractive, and in love. Well, perfect, that is, until Afina suddenly...
Status: Available
Near future. Human-like robots are in open market. Sveta acquires a nice Robot to solve her personal problems. Robot is tuned up automatically to fit...
A Lucky Buy
In 1957 French student Pierre Durand comes to Moscow to do an internship at Moscow State University. Here he meets ballerina Kira Galkina and...
The Frenchman