Anime, live action and music by cutting-edge artist Eve — all woven together into this dreamlike sonic experience inspired by the story of Adam...
Adam by Eve: A Live in Animation
Recently dumped by his fiancée, Mamiya meets a girl on a dating app. However, when he comes out of the shower, the girl is dead on his bed....
Whale Bones
A large spaceship appears over Tokyo three years before the story starts. A one-sided war against the seemingly harmless aliens ensues, sparking...
Dead Dead Demon's Dededede Destruction Part 2
Dead Dead Demon's Dededede Destruction Part 1
This will be the last. That is why I need to tell you...
If we had met that night
Goro is a gynecologist and idol fan who’s in shock after his favorite star, Ai, announces an impromptu hiatus. Little does Goro realize that...
Oshi no Ko -The Final Act-
Ibuki Arakuni is a high school student who is far from a model student. He has a childhood friend, Akabane Honeko, who attends the same high school...
Honeko Akabane's Bodyguards
ano 1st TOUR『トキメキ偏愛♡復讐ツアー』
Sequel movie to the live-action Saki TV series.
Saki Achiga-hen: Episode of Side-A
Giko Nokomura is a female student at Nightingale Academy, who carries around her very own chainsaw. One day she begins to be attacked by modified...
Bloody Chainsaw Girl Returns: Revenge of Nero
There is a schoolgirl who carries her own personal chainsaw. She was attacked by a dead body who was created by her classmate one day. As such, she...
Bloody Chainsaw Girl Returns: Giko Awakens
Mone, Kechon, Chiffon, Younapi and Chibo are ordinal women. They work at a cleaning company. The CEO of the company is a woman and she is like a...
Girls, Dance with the Dead