The events revolve around a group of people inside a supermarket who went to buy their necessities, and suddenly a catastrophic event occurred in the...
سوبر ماركت
The events take place in the house of its owner seeks to maintain the family bonding among his children, so he writes them a will to be read after...
Qahfiya, Ghutra, and Aqal
Corruption in administrations dealt with by comedy.
Last man on the world
The events revolve around the status of women and their role in society, where Jamila breaks into many fields that are always associated with men,...
The beautiful policewoman
The Nightmare Kuwaiti Play 2011
The nightmare Play
Sporty Kuwaiti play
oh ball
The play revolves around a comedy about a man and a woman who are preparing to hold their wedding ceremony in one of the banquet halls, but they are...
Laylat Zafta
يكافيك شرها
A Kuwaiti social comedy play dealing with the problems caused by the social and sectarian status that affect relations between members of society,...
Ya Wash Ya Wash
The play deals with the situation of the Gulf family and the problems in which they fall in a mold of comedic situations and satirical paradoxes.
well said
A satirical Kuwaiti comedy play, focusing on young people, their needs and the problems they are going through in their daily lives, and sometimes...
Al Bab Ya Shabab
شملان في لبنان
It highlights an issue that concerns the Kuwaiti society, and has its negative effects on all social segments, which is the issue of unemployment and...
Attaly Battaly
A Kuwaiti play about sport and the athletes.
عائلة بوعبود
It is so funny and it is Hassn Al-Ballam and his group making fun of everybody.
مسرحية بطالي
قطري ستين بالمية
A cleaner lives a routine life full of poverty and trouble, dreaming of becoming a minister in charge of three different ministries, and comedy...
Gadha Wa Nus
The play discusses marital problems, and how the woman dominates the husband.
I will not live in my wife's robes
The play begins through the story of a trip to the land, and during the road the bus stops due to a malfunction in one of the tires, and a quarrel...
The events take place within one of the police stations, where a police sergeant meets with many personalities from different and diverse social...
What is true is only what is true
The events of the play revolve around New Year's Eve 2050
Mur Ya Helo
مصاص الدماء ٣
مدرسة قطعه ١٣
الذيب والعنزات الثلاث
Kuwaiti Tv Movie starring Dawood Hussain.
Dawood Show
Talbin alqurb
A spiritual sheikh
World War 6
Content Creators
The events revolve around a group of people inside a store, and suddenly a catastrophic event occurs in the city center that prevents them from going...
In a very large prison , 7 of the most important and largest personalities in society. They have an important social character and influence in the...
The Great Seven
A ruler from the rulers of those ancient countries in that late era, this ruler puts his four sons on a test to choose who is the right to be his ...
Judgment is yours
A story revolves between a very rich man and a very poor man, each of whom feels that his life is boring and wishes to live life The other, which...
Khobz Khabzteh
It is a story that starts from the womb of mothers, where the presence of fetuses that are affected by hearing everything that is going on around...
Mabrook Ma Yakom
A Kuwaiti Comedy Play Starring Hassan Al Ballam.
Awdat Al Tajneed
In a comedic setting, Noah, Laith's father, leaves the city and goes to live in the countryside, because he is not satisfied with life in the city,...
Al Yakhour
A Kuwaiti comedy play starring Dawood Hussain, Intesar Al Sharrah & Abdulrahman Al Aqel.
Bo Mteh