Troubled high school student Makoto arrives in Tokyo to exact revenge from a past incident. He then falls in love at first sight with Ai, a daughter...
For Love's Sake
2008 Yo Hitoto Shigusa Uta
YO HITOTO JAPAN Concert Tour 2008 Live NHK Hall
Making her way through life by forming superficial relationships, Yoko keeps everyone at arm's length, whether it's her father and stepmother or...
Café Lumière
Yasutake Shingo is a newspaper reporter whose only redeeming feature is his earnestness. He meets Matsunaga Chie, who attends a music college, and...
Hana's Miso Soup
Hitoto You ★ Yumemachi Vanceking ~Hairanse~
Features Wagakki Band's concert held in January 2018 at Yokohama Arena. Features Yo Hitoto as guest.
Wagakki Band: Dai Shinnenkai 2018 Yokohama Arena - Asu e no Kokai -
A young man is sent from Japan to Taiwan in order to get his disenfranchised brother to sign away his inheritance rights.
Sakura Kiyose (Riru Yoshina), a high school student in the art club, wants to go to Tokyo to study at an art college, but her mother Tamaki (Yo...
The Cat, Me and Another Cat