A Japanese kabuki play based on the popular manga One Piece about the character Captain Monkey D. Luffy who is on a quest to become pirate king...
Super Kabuki II: One Piece
Mito Domain Samurai Seki Tetsunosuke must pay the consequences for his role in the assassination of Great Elder Ii Naosuke. Based on true events.
Sakurada Gate Incident
After the forced suicide of Nobunaga Oda at the Incident at Honnō-ji, powerful figures Katsuie Shibata, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, Nagahide Niwa and...
The Kiyosu Conference
A Tokyo college student is attacked by a ghoul, a super-powered human who feeds on human flesh. He survives, but has become part ghoul and becomes a...
Tokyo Ghoul
Now a member of Anteiku, Ken Kaneki grows closer to the ghouls around him. Determined to protect his new home against anti-ghoul forces, he trains...
Tokyo Ghoul 'S'
Set in the 19th century, "Moeyo Ken" follows the life of Toshizo Hijikata. He was the vice-commander of the Shinsengumi and fought against the Meiji...
Baragaki: Unbroken Samurai
This film tells the story of the protagonist of the county police propaganda class who independently investigates the mystery of his friend's...
Kuchinai Sakura