In this first installment of the series - we are introduced to Keisuke: mild mannered school-teacher by day - avenging angel of rape by night - and...
Rapeman 1
The first movie of Tôru Murakawa’s “Game” trilogy, in which an assassin hired to recover a kidnap victim becomes embroiled in...
The Most Dangerous Game
A university student travels to a popular resort in the mountains for a summer job as a waiter and becomes romantically involved with an older woman...
Lady Karuizawa
Mika Hino is a sharp-shooting investigator that belongs to the infamous "Gator Branch.” When an executive board member of a trading company is...
Super Gun Lady: Police Branch 82
Haneda, the president of a company dealing in gold, is shot to death on the Raicho 9 limited express from Osaka to Kanazawa. Detective Kamei begins...
Murder on Raicho 9
Samonji, a reporter, receives a message on his answering machine from his friend Takada that says "stop it... zero plan! February." Learning that...
Kitagawa, a top salesman with an impressive record, is hiding a dark secret—he borrowed the 9 million yen of his record from loan sharks. One...
The Nearest Place to the Sky
Tora-san helps out a runaway bride.
Tora-san, the Matchmaker
TV film about the "Nishiyama Incident", a scandal surrounding the 1972 return of Okinawa to Japan. Produced to commemorate the 20th anniversary of TV...
Secret Agreement: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Secret Leak Incident
The story of the silk industry and the young girls who worked as silk spinners in the early 1900s in Japan. The silk mills were located in Okaya...
Nomugi Pass
Yohei, a punk rocker, becomes a Buddhist monk in order to inherit a mountain temple. Though initially rebelling against the tough monastic...
Fancy Dance
Japanese horror movie from 1987.
Kuniko Mukoda's Carp