Tsukitaro, a young man who comes to Edo, meets a blind girl named Ochiyo. Ochiyo 's father, the grinder Yasujiro, was asked to sharpen a sword called...
Yakuza Princess of Edo
Chuji and his family become the primary target of gangs in Nikko headed by Hasshu marshal Nakayama and boss Sukegoro Iioka. Chuji is then aided by...
Keepers of Order
1962 Japanese movie
Hatamoto taikutsu otoko: nazo no sango yashiki
Hibari no san'yaku: Zoku Kei tsuya yuki no jôhenge
Hibari no san'yaku: Kei tsuya yuki no jôhenge
This horror tale relates the consequences of a Japanese legend which tells of a man who has to betray his wife in order to achieve power.
The Ghost of Yotsuya
The descendant of the servant of a cruel and vicious samurai returns to the town where she was born, only to find that a cat who is possessed by the...
Black Cat Mansion
An exciting historical drama in which a beautiful woman secretly solves the family problems of the Owari clan. Hibari Misora plays two roles: a...
A blind masseur visits a samurai to request the return of a loan. The samurai kills him in anger, then has his servant dump the body in the Kasane...
The Ghost of Kasane
Sashichi investigates the mysterious murders of four beauties, all of whom were stabbed in the chest.
人形佐七捕物帖 鮮血の乳房
Bunkichi disguises himself as a yakuza to solve a mysterious death.
Yakuza Official
Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto leads the Combined Fleet of the Imperial Japanese Navy to defeat the American Fleet.
Admiral Yamamoto and the Allied Fleets
A store manager named Kinbei becomes enraged when the owners of the store decide to hand it down to an adopted son instead of him. He hatches a plot...
The Ghosts of Kagami Pond
Pink film from 1976
トルコ天国 日本大縦断
He was married to his lover's butterfly and started a new residence. But good things do not last. In his uncle, Uzaemon in Kawashima, Yoshiji Akaji,...
Jirocho’s Days of Youth: The Youngest Boss in the Tokai Region
Jidaigeki by Tai Kato
Way of Morning Mist
Home drama about tin craftsmen and their families in downtown Tokyo. Though poor, they do not lose their cheerfulness or give in to oppression.
Harada Kai, the Date clan's Chamberlain attempts to take power from the lord himself.
Traitors of the Blue Castle
Lord Gennosuke and Princess Yoshi are to be betrothed to one another, however Gennosuke is already in love with Suzue who is from a lower caste. The...
The Spear of Heroism
1958 jidaigeki directed by Masaki Mori for Shintoho.
Japanese comedy film.
On September 1, 1923, an unprecedented earthquake hit the Kanto region. The streets are filled with victims, and rumors are circulating around. The...
Beyond the Hills
During the naval battle of Midway in WWII, the battleship Mutsu was in its home port in Japan. The ship's officers and crew were frustrated at not...
Enigmatic Explosion of the Battleship Mutsu
Japanese comedy film released to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Shintoho's founding.
Holiday in Japan
弥次喜多珍道中 中仙道の巻
1959 Shintoho adaptation of Kyoka Izumi's novel "A Woman's Pedigree".
Elegy of a Geisha
1959 Japanese film.
Young lord Saburo Nobuyasu struggles to find comfort in life. His arranged marriage to Tokuhime, daughter of one-time family enemy Oda Nobunaga,...
The Conspirator
For the poor, Edo is Hell on Earth, starving under the rule of Tanuma Okitsugi, corrupt councilor to the shogun. But the courageous vagabond called...
The Shadow Avenger
1959 Japanese film, originally released in two parts.
In 1941, overpopulated Japan faces an economic boycott and its armed forces push further to the south. And despite negotiations between Japan and the...
The Pacific War and the International Military Tribunal
A dark tale of murder and revenge set in old Kyoto.
Kyoto Assassin
In the third, and final chapter of this epic tale, handsome swordsman Genji helps a vulnerable princess who is in search of a missing scroll that...
Tales of Young Genji Kuro 3
A young son of a master of the Kuwana clan gets disowned for his rebellious behavior. After he goes from the mountains to the ocean defeating the...
Fine Man
A popular dance master in Edo meets a yakuza man, and the maddened master is killed in the end of their tremendous love affair. The master becomes a...
Ghostly Tales: The Shamisen
Two lovers lost in the mountains. In what direction do not go, they find themselves in a mysterious forest pond, as if some kind of force does not...
The Ghost Cat of Otama Pond
A maiden is murdered by a mysterious ninja, unfortunately two young ladies witness this, good thing the bored Lord is walking by, he saved the girls...
The Cave of the Vampire Bats
Fishmonger Tasuke and Shogun Iemitsu swap their identities in pretence for the protection of Iemitsu.
The Shogun and the Fishmonger
Kichizaburo, a samurai keeping peace in Edo, helps a young geisha Kozome avenge her father’s death.
Tengu Priest
Adventures of famous yakuza boss Jirocho and his disciples who settle in Kofu.
Jirocho' s Days of Youth: Whirlwind on the Tokaido
Megastar Kataoka Chiezo is Vice-commander Hijikata Toshizo of the Shinsengumi in this realistic tale of Japan’s inner battles that led to the...
Restoration Fire
Lion Festival of Echigo
The day to day life in an establishment for delinquent teenage girls.
Girl's Reform School
1961 Japanese movie
Ōedo kenka matsuri