Two girls with the same name but very different personalities share an apartment in this sequel to Nana. The rising fame of Nana Osaki's band, the...
Nana 2
An alternate retelling of the beginning of the original series. Mikako and Tsutomu lived next door to each other since they were little. They both...
Neighborhood Story The Movie
Preparing a party for her anniversary with the King, when he failed to show up Chocola decided to run away from the castle.
Time Stranger Kyoko: Leave It to Chocola!
Conceived by Netrunner Magazine to celebrate their 5th birthday. This 30-min OVA is directed by Poyoyon Rock (of "Popotan" fame) and stars cute...
Netrun-mon the Movie
Film produced by CLUB Que Live House
Colors of Life
A short animation commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Ojamajo Doremi anime which made its debut at AnimeJapan 2024.
Ojamajo Doremi 1620's
One day Pop was out scavenging with Hana, and found a beautiful rose inside the Queen's garden. Curious, she picked the rose and brought it home....
Magical DoReMi Sharp: The Movie
Set in the distant future in which the Earth is split in two. The southern hemisphere is placed in another dimension while the inhabitants of the...
K.O. Beast
Doremi, her friends, and her family are visiting Doremi's Grandparents. Aiko fears Doremi's grandfather due to accident when she was young. The...
More! Ojamajo Doremi: Secret of the Frog Stone
HANAKAPPA – Adventure in the Butterfly Kingdom
Three women – 27 year old Tokyo office worker Mire Yoshizuki, 22 year old fourth-year college student Sora Nagase, and 20 year old boyish,...
Looking for Magical Doremi