Yu and Umi, a third-year high school student living in a rural town, become friends because they have the same hobby. Meanwhile, Rin (Sara Ogawa), a...
Asatsuyu - Ogawa Sara's First Short Film
Seisa lives in Inujima, a small island in Okayama. She posts pictures of the island on SNS. One day, a Japanese woman living in Canada contacts her...
Inujima Inuko
Besides being an excellent showcase of Chiaki Mayumura's talents, this film is a brilliant melding of documentary and fiction.
All About "Chiaki Mayumura" (Provisional)
High schooler Haruna befriends loner Yamada, then is drawn into the tangled relationship between him, a model and the girl who loves him unreasonably.
River's Edge
Ena is a computer graphics artist. Working like a machine, she ultimately suffers from the rare digital disease "01," which leaves a strange mark on...
Fantasmagorie - The Ghost Show
A coming-of-age drama set in Miura City, Kanagawa Prefecture, depicting young people who waver between dreams and reality.
As the last summer vacation of high school approaches before university entrance exams, Shun meets a shrine maiden named Nagi at a mountain lodge he...
A Girl Untouchable
Gin is a 15-year-old boy. He knows that his father is a gay and he wonders if he might be the same. Narumi is a 15-year-old girl. Her mother tells...
Innocent 15
Iwakiri is now a third year university student who belongs to a film studies group on campus but has yet to shoot even one film. He hears from an...
The Sacrament
Excitement pervades through a university preparing for the annual school festival. Meanwhile, a calm atmosphere hangs over the club room of the film...
Beautiful Dreamer
"DIVOC-12" is a project by Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. to produce an omnibus consisting of 12 short films, aiming to enable creators, production...