The third installment in the "Landscape of lovers who are not anyone" series directed by Michio Koshikawa, which depicts men and women passing each...
Four dramas about brothers and sisters, each of whom lacks a certain emotion.
Almost People
The semi-biographical The Extremists' Opera follows the everyday and inner struggles of a women-only alternative theater group delivering explosive...
The Extremists' Opera
Mitsuko Kuroda is 31 years old and single. She enjoys her life as a single woman. A big reason why she enjoys her single life is that she has...
Hold Me Back
Four strangers participate in a psychological experiment in a dark space with nothing else other than a table and four envelopes. They are payed...
Kageru's mother was killed by a demon when Kageru was five. But now there is an unexpected opportunity for revenge.
My First Exorcism
A failed director is trying to get his next movie off the ground, while dealing with his cranky brother and his estranged wife.
Obon Brothers
Mr. Takada is a successful mature writer who falls into a creative blockade following the death of her wife. Incapable of finishing the novel his...
I Catch a Terrible Cat
Yoshika has had a crush on Ichimiya, whom she calls "the One" since she was in middle school. Now, a 24-year-old salarywoman, her all-consuming...
Tremble All You Want
In 1987, frustrated junior high student Takashi hates his uncool father hanging around their suburban home all the time, and is pestered by the...
14 That Night
A group of mid-twenty friends with unsteady jobs meet for a party where they intend to hook up two of their friends. Over the following weeks we...
Vortex of Love
Tetsuo is a lowlife. A film director with a small indie hit many years back, yet he has never gotten any further as he refuses to go against his...
Lowlife Love