Based on a real-life story, this drama focuses on a small group of Allied soldiers in Burma who are held captive by the Japanese. Capt. Ernest...
To End All Wars
An independent group of researchers called the Godzilla Prediction Network (GPN) actively track Godzilla as he makes landfall in Nemuro. Matters are...
Godzilla 2000: Millennium
The fifth installment of the Gokudo Action Series, which depicts the process of the yakuza organization walking on the path to national domination,...
Shura ga Yuku 5
Nisō gokumon jō
Former yakuza gang boss Noboru Ando reminisces about old partner in crime Kei Hanagata.
True Record of an Ando Gang Side-Story: Starving Wolf's Rules
#31 in the King of Minami series. A washed-up yakuza named Fukunaga borrows money from Manda, unwittingly involving him in a sinister murder plot.
The King of Minami: Yakuza in Debt
The film opens with kidnappers of a corporate executive making an unusual ransom demand: that a wizened executive from another company haul large...
Mashiba works hard for a group called Wakagashira's However, Mashiba was not satisfied with the people who loban, including the boss, who were...
Sequel of gedobo
Gedobo 2
A collection of magical tales based upon the actual dreams of director Akira Kurosawa.
A Korean taxi-driver interacts both humorously and tragically with his customers and employers in '90s Tokyo.
All Under the Moon
When radicals from Japan's Red Army took a woman hostage in the resort town of Karuizawa, Nagano in 1972, Officer Atsuyuki Sassa was put in charge of...
The Choice of Hercules
Yakuza Zombie opens with an introduction to a mysterious Yakuza graveyard deep in the forest, and a story of the baddest Yakuza of them all, Naruo...
Yakuza Zombie
A criminal syndicate wants detective Onihei dead, but the resolute hero proves to be hard to kill.
Onihei's Detective Records
実録 広島やくざ戦争外伝 義兄弟 ~山口英弘の半生~ 激流の章 完結編
実録 広島やくざ戦争外伝 義兄弟 ~山口英弘の半生~ 怒濤の章
Tamotsu is expecting a persimmon to dry and yet he cannot accept that it is time for a man on his deathbed to die. As the persimmon mysteriously, or...
Cicada is the story of Jumpei-- a man who loses sight of his progeny when he finds out he is infertile, but then is given the gift of clairvoyance...
A young woman tries to reconcile with her mother, who left their family for another man.
A Brief Message from the Heart