Deputy Officer of the United Nations Alliance, Simon Marcus, who aims to conquer the world with the terrorist organization Downfall along with the...
Kamen Rider Build NEW WORLD: Kamen Rider Grease
Following the story of Ran, who confronts a mysterious organization by participating in a no-rules deathmatch after discovering her missing younger...
Knuckle Girl
"Kiss me at dead of night" A story about a man and a woman who cause an irreversible situation at a family restaurant in the middle of the night. ...
A World Without Mercy
Taking place after the events of the TV series, Mitsuhashi and Ito face the new enemies.
From Today, It's My Turn!!: The Movie
Nakatsu was laid off at his company and now works part-time at a convenience store. One day, Nakatsu forms a vigilante group to protect his town with...
Maniac Hero
Samao Daikoku’s family register was taken which keeps him from escaping the underground life that he has led. To get away once and for all,...
That's It
An ordinary man plays matchmaker to his friend only to realize the girl being pursued is being stalked.
Set in the 1980s, Oishii Kyushoku: Road to Ikameshi follows Amari Yutaka (played by Hayato Ichihara), a passionate middle school teacher with an...
Oishii Kyushoku: Road to Ikameshi