Set against the backdrop of a bitter power struggle between the faction of the chairman of the board and the faction of the vice-chairman of the...
Cold Current
The 5th installment of the blockbuster series! " Complete visualization of the horror thread that became a hot topic in "2channel"!! Many 2-channel...
2 Channel no Noroi - VOL. 5
#29 in the King of Minami series. Manda and his associates follow a debt-laden detective to Hiroshima, where they plan to collect from his former...
The King of Minami: The Price of Restructuring
#31 in the King of Minami series. A washed-up yakuza named Fukunaga borrows money from Manda, unwittingly involving him in a sinister murder plot.
The King of Minami: Yakuza in Debt
Mr. Lady Cinderella at Dawn
During Tenpo period, Bakuhu announced a law regulating expenditures in order to improve the financial situation. However, Doshin of a government...
Hanzo, the Razor
The wife of a samurai, who was leading a happy life, dies in a fit of wind. On the verge of death, she makes her husband promise that she will not...
Newlywed Hell
A master swordsman is ordered to go undercover on a mission to find and destroy a cannon factory being used by two samurai clans that try to usurp...
Samurai Secret Agent
Neko no youni
Faraway Tomorrow
Tokugawa Ichizoku no Houkai
A conflict between parents and their delinquent daughter.
Tsumiki kuzushi