Masato is a young ramen chef in Japan. When he finds his late mother's journal after the sudden death of his emotionally distant father, he takes it...
Ramen Shop
Jane is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and she tries her best to cope. She starts by recording the most important moments in her life, hoping she...
The Last Entry
Kento is selected by a team to promote a partnership with a Singapore company. One day, he is left with a job to attend President Kwang who comes to...
This is Tokyo
Xuan, a girl who is visually impaired, sets out on a solo journey to explore the world with her heart, hoping to see what others can’t see. As...
Ping An grew up in a single parent family with his mother and Aunty. However, Ping Ma keeps the fact of his dads death in secret and therefore would...
Find My Dad
After much effort, Wei Xiong becomes a well-known teppanyaki chef. A young girl, Luo Ling, idolizes him and decides to go after him; she even resorts...
Unexpected Strangers