The second installment of the "Toriko" series, an erotic violence drama with a sexy idol cast. A beautiful newscaster was abducted on an isolated...
Captive Toriko Confinement Island
A home invader's sadistic plot is foiled when Ai Iijima shows up and starts doing random cosplay stuff for whatever reason.
T-Back Bride
Buchō no aijin: Pinku no sutokkingu
Taro Magokoro is an unsuccessful actor and lives a mundane life. This year, he turns 30.
My Name Is Magokoro
Jokôsei geshuku
A woman runs a successful boutique and lives a work-centered life. She is called a career girl by those around her. She also has a sweet lover. He...
Career Girl: Kyusho-zeme
I Want To Grow Up: Too Many Rules
A drunk office worker spots a discarded doll in the trash and decides to bring it home. When the doll mysteriously comes to life as a normal sized...
Itazura lolita: Ushirokara baajin
A woman who, disguised as a beggar, turns out to be a formidable assassin, is charged by a warden to infiltrate a women's prison, to run the one that...
Scorpion Woman Prisoner: Death Threat
The mysterious deaths of men linked to a charming singer unleash the resentment of her suitors.
The Million Dollar Woman
Ryo, a young former banker, gets beaten up over a debt from gambling. A yakuza boss saves him, and Ryo decides to train to become a yakuza under him.
Those Swell Yakuza
Mibôjin geshuku: Hatsunori
Yuko Mizushima encounters an alternate version of herself, and subsequently explores her sensuality in a series of connected vignettes.
Something Love
Sensual love story about the romance between a single mother and a younger man. Directed by Ueno Takahiro of Pink Lady Woman Cannot Stand It. Koike...
Lover of Mother
A collection of works written and directed by Shungicu Uchida that deal with a wide range of horror.
At the Mercy of the Darkness
Two female university students open a detective agency and use their feminine charms to find a missing girl for a client. But they soon get in over...
Ojôsan tantei Tokimeki renpatsu!