A detective investigates a series of murders. A possible serial killer might be on a rampage, since they all are in the same vicinity and by the same...
After the Akizuku clan fall in defeat to rival clan Yamana, Princess Yuki (Nagasawa Masami) and general Rokurota (Hiroshi Abe), take cover in a...
The Last Princess
Overcoming many obstacles, Haruto and Aoyama have finally become an item. They affirm their love for each other and agree to leave for faraway lands,...
The Shortest Distance is Round: Rain and Soda
日本列島生きもの超伝説 劇場版ダーウィンが来た!
Chiku is a devastated and dangerous town with 5 gangs fighting fiercely. Mugen and the Amamiya Brothers clashed, leading to Mugen disbanding.
High & Low The Movie
Twenty-year-old Kaori, an aspiring accessory designer, spends her days troubled by her mother's violence and excessive meddling. Meanwhile,...
The Tang of Lemon