Assassination begins with the events of 1853 when "four black ships" anchored at Edo Bay, sparking civil unrest and the major political manoeuvring...
Goyou Sen Enjou
TV movie based on the novel "The Tale of Genji" by Murasaki Shikibu, which tells about the life of Prince Hikaru Genji, who was nicknamed "Shining"...
The Tale of Genji
Coinciding with the LDP presidential election of the entire national public, a masterpiece depicting the reverse side of Showa political history...
The Yoshida School
1962 Japanese movie
Haruko no ōen danchō
In the year 1716 a mysterious epidemic stickens men in the country of Japan, dropping the population of men to 1/4th of its prior state. With the...
The Lady Shogun and Her Men
A Roaring Trade
Parakin to Kyū-chan mōshiwakenai yarō-tachi
Japan-Hong Kong co-production.
Secret Agent 101
A ronin named Azami Onijuro travels the Nikko Highway, he is being followed by the bounty hunter Daihachi and Yukata Danzen. He is pursued by his...
The Unruly Ronin's Journey
The life and travels of adventurer Naomi Uemura, who disappeared in Alaska in 1984. A member of the first Japanese expedition to reach the summit of...
Lost in the Wilderness
The story of Sanshiro Sugata, a young man who wants to learn the new art of judo. A wise teacher reveals to Sanshiro that judo is not merely a means...
Dawn of Judo
Shochiku's popular series of gang films, this one has the hero returning from prison bent on revenge. He runs into Chinese hoodlums, blackmailers and...
The Betrayers Out!
Kingoro Tamai moves with his wife and son to the port city of Wakamatsu. He organizes the Tamai-gumi, a stevedore group, to vie for work with two...
Flower and Dragon
Centred on Aonari Hyokichi, a young literary man with aspirations to become a writer, and the surrounding people, including Kira Tsuneo and...
Theater Of Life
Japanese comedy film.
My Wife
A gangster gets released from prison and has to cope with the recent shifts of power between the gangs, while taking care of a thrill-seeking young...
Pale Flower
Rainbow Over the Pacific is a tale of romance that moves from the streets of Tokyo to the islands of Hawaii as it weaves the story of two...
Rainbow Over the Pacific
Based on the comic book by Mutsumi Tsukumov
Ore wa otokoda! kanketsu-hen
Contrast between two outlooks on life: one of a poor factory worker and the other the heir to millions.
The Sunset is Calling Me
Zoku seiun yakuza - ikari no otoko
Five young men have many financial troubles, but this only brings them closer together.
Fountain of Love
Rising from the lowliest of country samurai to the heights of power as Taiko, Toyotomi Hideyoshi is one of the pivotal figures of the Sengoku period.
A Documentary on the Japanese baseball player Sadaharu Oh
The Story of Big 1: Sadaharu Oh
One of Japan’s most popular historical characters, former Vice-Shogun Tokugawa Mitsukuni, whose travels around the nation are legendary has...
Lord Mito
A Japanese stage actor in Yokohama is terminally ill, and is determined to end his life, but doesn’t know to have inherited a large sum of...
Let's Have A Dream
Rose Buds in the Rainbow
Known as the ”Last Samurai” Saigo Takamori was a stout giant of a man with a huge head and a neck like a bear. As the leader of...
August Moon
Nemoto Ritsuko is the girlfriend of Kuroki Tamotsu. Both are 22 years old. Ritsuko lives with her father, Shingo, a piano tuner and city hall clerk....
Love of Saturday
Four sisters with no consanguinity are living together since childhood. When facing misfortune and grievances in lives, they give support and...
Four Sisters
An epic drama depicting the lineage of a military family that lived for three generations before, during, and after World War II, against the...
Nagare no fu dai ichibu dōran dai ni bu yoake sakuhin jōhō
A film adaptation of Seicho Matsumoto's novel of the same title, starring Muga Takewaki and Yoko Shimada. Set in Japan at the end of the war, the...
Kyukei no Koya
Salaryman's Medal
1965 youth / yakuza film
High-Ranking Yakuza