A ruthless criminal operative has less than 24 hours to exact revenge on her enemies and in the process forms an unexpected bond with the daughter of...
A blind woman's relationship with her husband changes when she regains her sight and discovers disturbing details about themselves.
All I See Is You
In this Buddhist sci-fi mystery, a teenage orphan in the slums of Phnom Penh, Cambodia investigates her friend’s past-life visions, uncovering...
After graduation from university, childhood friends Ann, Joy, Koi, Mam and Joom move on to follow their respective career paths. They reunite again...
Sin Sisters
1547. Fernando de Gama, a young "Soldier of Fortune" from Portugal, set sail for the Orient in an effort to find a man who murdered his father and,...
The King Maker
A young female doctor cares for a dying boy in her hospital. The boy develops a love and trust for her that makes him want to protect her even in...
A House of Mad Souls