A young and dedicated doctor who believes in saving lives especially the unfortunate poor’s, takes his young wife along to work in a small...
An old faculty college built once used as a temporary hospital during the Second World War II is full of spirits and ghosts from the past and is...
Hor Hue Hue
This is the story of a young girl who goes to an overseas convent school. She is very out-going, happy, playful and sometimes quite daring. One of...
Nang Eye
This is the story of a well trained dog named Gan, and another small fluffy dog named Noon which belongs to Dilok. Noon disappears from the house,...
Khan Kluay is an elephant of King Naresuan the Great. Shaba Kaew, his beloved one, keeps a secret that she is pregnant. He must face three properties...
The Blue Elephant 2
This is a story of love in four different time periods of Suthee, a decent guy. You will have to follow Suthee through his amazing love adventures...
During the 16th century, as Thailand contends with both a civil war and Burmese invasion, a beautiful princess rises up to help protect the glory of...
The Legend of Suriyothai
After a body is discovered in their building, a vengeful, paranormal presence begins to affect Taew, Mod Dum and Cartoon's business.
Oh My Ghost 3
Adult Singha receives a call from Jack, a friend from school. Jack sets up a high school reunion where young Singha meets with the rest of his...
The story of endless love is set amidst the fiercest conflict this world has ever known – World War II. As war is about to break out in Europe,...
Sunset at Chaopraya
While Niorn was riding in a taxi cab, the driver have tried to put her to sleep by using nitrous on her, but luckily Non happened to came by and...
Tomorrow I Will Love You
A group of students from the city go on a jungle trip with the help of a young hunter as a tour guide. A forest fire forces them to escape for their...
Time Machine
Two lovers are plunged into their deep love but face so many obstacles. They decide to end their lives to meet again in another world. But they spend...
Promise Me Not