short film about successful and powerful woman who is a couples therapist and the author of the book "Healthy Relationships." On an ordinary yet...
In the southern region of Georgia, in ancient Meskheti, a young man, Giorgi Toreli, is appointed as the secretary of the Raikom. He aims at the...
O My Homeland!
A cable car operator launches a personal battle against the entire city of Chiature, Georgia, after her husband is killed in an mining accident.
A graduate of a sewing school arrives in a Kakhetian village. Insisting on opening a fashion house there, the energetic and good-natured Makvala...
Everyone Needs Love
Film director Sergei Parajanov creates brilliant films. His nonconformist behavior conflicts with Soviet System. He is committed to prison for being...
Does air temperature really matter for fountains to be frozen or melt? One just need to stop and look around... It's a mosaic of several interrelated...
The Summer of Frozen Fountains
A young man searches for his path to God only to find it in sin.
Fight for Redemption