Laughs and thrills go hand-in-fist in this Korean action comedy, as a band of criminals fleeing a violent gang war hides out in a monastery. The...
Hi, Dharma!
Choi Ki-dong, who becomes a teacher, and Park Young-jun, who becomes a gang member, meet again after 10 years. To compete for Min Ju-ran, they start...
Kick the Moon
A detective and a gang of thieves trail three high-school students who found a bloody corpse and a bag of cash on top of their car.
Make It Big
Na Bi is a former member of an idol girl group and now an actress, but her acting is poor. Meanwhile, Hong is a movie director who studied in Poland....
One Thing She Doesn't Have
A group of friends on a trek in a dark forest begin to die one by one.
4 Horror Tales: Dark Forest