A young girl goes missing just as a convicted sex offender moves into town. The girl's father, the inhabitants of the towns and even law enforcement...
No Doubt
Jin-ah, the former leader of once popular girl band "Purple," hosts a radio show called "Wonderful Radio." When the producer of the program is sacked...
Love On-Air
A gangster and a corrupt police officer travel to the tiny remote island of Mapado to hunt down a young woman who has run off with a winning lottery...
Suk-Jin became a popular PD of a newsroom by breaking a story on unsanitary food, but the story turned out to be false. He then lost his job as a...
When her father has a terrible accident a girl is forced to work as a hostess in a popular disco bar owned by a powerful gangster. Her brother tries...
Bet On My Disco
A loan shark is forced to reconsider his violent lifestyle after the arrival of a mysterious woman claiming to be his long-lost mother.
Eunha, who is a stateless person, is imprisoned for charged with murder. A warmhearted, coolheaded correctional officer goes through turbulent...
Kang Tae-sik is a private detective who would do anything for money. One day, he gets framed for a murder by a ruthless boss of the criminal...
A group of Internet chatters decides to spend the summer together at a beach, renting an apartment and trying to know each other for real (or maybe...
Bloody Beach
Agent Lam (Tony Leung) sets out to track a pair of plates used to make fake American dollars. When he discovers the plates, they are conned out of...
Seoul Raiders
A model student transfers to the notorious Jungmoon High School known for its severe corporal punishment by teachers and power struggles between...
Once Upon a Time in High School
Kang-Ho is a famous cop in town because of his braveness. One day, a battered body floats on the river and Kang-Ho goes out to meet the murder...
Duel: Final Round