On 31 January 1968, 31 North Korean commandos infiltrated South Korea in a failed mission to assassinate President Park Chung-hee. In revenge, the...
Dong-seok Cha, a documentary producer, made a documentary about 'Geochang massacre in 1951' for its 60th anniversary, but it is not selected as a...
Geochang Massacre - Bloody winter
This youth melodrama tells the story of a law student from a small village in Korea, and the irresponsible girl with whom he falls in love. The girl...
All That Falls Has Wings
Kang-Il is ice hockey player of K University and he has a lover named Kyeong-Mi. One day, on his way to father's friend chairman Han, he meets Han's...
The weak Dal-Ho lives in solitude isolated by the reality. His clinging to women is his struggle to escape from the sense of alienation. However, his...
The Reminiscence of Balbari
A dwarf and his poor, but loving, family who are forced out of their house by a real estate agent.
A Ball Shot by a Midget