Two fanboys are recruited by a secret organization within a production company to eliminate one of the most successful, yet uncaring executive in the...
Flop Stoppers
Ebenezer Scrooge, an ageing miser, is visited by a series of ghosts that teach him about Christmas spirit in this 80s-themed retelling of Dickens'...
VHS Christmas Carol: Live!
Ring-a-ling ding! It’s time to hear some StarKids SING! Turn back the clocks to 2022 when THE STARKID JANGLE BALL TOUR brought the holiday...
The Starkid Jangle Ball Tour
There's no more room under the tree, because we've hit the rewind button and added two more holiday classics to VHS CHRISTMAS CAROL for a full-length...
VHS Christmas Carols
Get ready for one last romp of magical, musical shenanigans because Harry and his pals are back for their senior year at Hogwarts! The gang's in for...
A Very Potter Senior Year
Joey Richter is a boy with a very special relationship with his very best friend... his Dick! Together they face the trials of growing up, love, sex...
Me and My Dick
This special reunion concert will feature original cast members from our very first show (and performers from every StarKid show since), coming...
StarKid Homecoming
Go behind the scenes of StarKid Homecoming: the biggest reunion of StarKids ever! Over the course of three wild days, almost everyone who's even been...
10umentary: Behind the Scenes of StarKid Homecoming
An adaptation of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol in the style of 80’s music videos. This reimagining of the classic tale offers good...
A VHS Christmas Carol
Travel through the past, present, and future alongside the Greediest Geezer as the spirits of 1980s MTV help him discover some Christmas Electricity!...