Mansor Akob's comedy stars Zizan Raja Lawak as a man named Afik who becomes mentally unbalanced after the death of his stepsister, Amy. In his...
Baik Giler
Damak is a gifted footballer but because of a previous accident, he is left with constant paranoia and is scarred for life, which ultimately...
Gila Bola
Rosli loves and cares for Adik, his mentally retarded younger brother. He feels responsible for the well being of Adik. Rosli takes Adik everywhere...
Adi, a pickpocket lands himself into trouble while trying to run away from his latest victim. Two bank robbers catch him and make him their hostage,...
Biar Betul
Straight-laced Atan is the kind of guy who loves to help out his neighbours. He is being haunted by Hantu Cempaka all the time, especially when he's...
Suatu Malam Kubur Berasap
Os fails in his examination and his looked down upon by his family and the villagers. Nevertheless he is good in the chemistry and biology and invent...
Orang Kampung Otak Kimia
The simplicity of chaotic life struggles, the beautiful relationship between a man and his son, a man and the apple of his eye, and a funny yet...
Vilaiyaattu Pasange