The drama, the story of three childhood friends and a young woman who are torn apart in their fight for freedom, is billed as the first...
The film follows three generations of a Palestinian family, tracking cycles of trauma beginning with the 1948 displacement from Jaffa and continuing...
All That's Left Of You
Israel is sealed off after the outbreak of a deadly virus and Gaza has become the safest place in the region, leaving a British journalist and his...
A Gaza Weekend
Muslim prince Ali and Georgian aristocrat Nino have grown up in the Russian province of Azerbaijan. Their tragic love story sees the outbreak of the...
Ali and Nino
Ricky is a young Arab Australian whose peaceful suburban life is turned on its head when his sister, Ameena, disappears without trace. In a climate...
The true story of British intelligence whistleblower Katharine Gun who—prior to the 2003 Iraq invasion—leaked a top-secret NSA memo...
Official Secrets
Elissa's life takes a turn when she meets a mysterious man in her English class and she has to quickly decide between her family and him- and going...
Amsterdam to Anatolia
Elias and Susan in New York, between love, exile, and the Arabic revolution.
The year is 1969. When her psychotic ex shows up for dinner in her new home, a pregnant housewife struggles to hide her true identity from her...
A Little Bit of Bad