The story of a wilting young couple who begin to stage fake marriage proposals at fancy restaurants in a desperate gamble to score free meals and...
James White is a troubled twentysomething trying to stay afloat in a frenzied New York City. As he retreats further into a hedonistic lifestyle, his...
James White
A washed-up YouTube star blackmails an old rival in an attempt to reclaim her fame. But when things go awry, she finds herself ensnared by a drug...
The Ego Death of Queen Cecilia
After the death of his beloved aunt, Daniel, a gay, struggling actor, visits Esther, his devout Christian, Korean mother. Despite their differences,...
According to My Mother
The story of Steve Harmon, a 17-year-old honor student whose world comes crashing down around him when he is charged with felony murder.
In dystopian future South Los Angeles, a father and daughter avoid sweating, crying, and drinking water while trying to escape moisture-sensitive...
It's 2068 and Evelyn, a revolutionary, must lead her team of insurgents to send a message through time before artificially intelligent law...