The newly-crowned Maria Theresa gives birth to her child in a public celebration surrounded by intriguing politicians and baronesses, while the...
Maria Theresa Gives Birth
Liza is a naïve, lonely 30-year-old nurse who wants to fall in love. Her only company is a long-dead Japanese pop star, who turns her into a...
Liza, the Fox-Fairy
A spiritual drama about an ordinary man, who is losing his only child. The story tells us about useless conflicts in our lives, and shows the depth...
The Father
Four women weather sexual complications in this spicy comedy/drama. Talk-show host Helga grapples with her boyfriend’s mysterious celibacy;...
Our Women
Borotvaélen táncolva
Small Celebrations
Babie leto
A Soul to Redeem
Das letzte Mahl
A collage of human fates, where all shown characters are suffering from panic attacks. Stories like a policeman who is willing to come out or a young...
The film brings together various everyday and relationship stories from Budapest that at first glance have nothing in common. A sequel to Fliegauf's...
Forest: I See You Everywhere