A story of a bond shared between five best friends. The journey to find meaning in life, to discover their dreams, to overcome their struggles, and...
Negeri van Oranje
A haunted house from Dutch era colonial gives nightmare to a mother with two daughter.
Rumah Belanda
The third and final film in the award-winning box office hit RED AND WHITE trilogy set during the 1947-48 Indonesian revolution, as a band of...
Red And White 3: Hearts Of Freedom
An American in Indonesia teams up with a Muslim cop to track down a terrorist.
Java Heat
Rumah Hantu Indonesia is looking for players as 'new ghosts'. 130 million salary and exclusive contract with royalty 13 percent per year for life.
A police and a journalist uncover series of murders that lead into one problem: A treasure many parties were fighting for and caused many casualties.
Dead Time
Asti is obsessed to unite all his elder brother's friends of rock band named The Bandits. She started to get close to them one by one by reminding...
Sandra's life suddenly changes after her parents divorce. When everything gets better and Sandra's problems disappear, her new friend, Leon goes...
3600 Seconds
SUGHANDI, an ambitious public official maintains his tenure for the second time. All political enemies seem to have under control. He grabbed...
Sumpah (ini) Pocong
A story of friendship as well as a love triangle between Andi, Widia and Prassetyo. Pras suddenly reappears in Andi and Widia's life, who are married...
Unlimited Love