This documentary treats movie fans to a behind-the-scenes look at the making of Superman III, a more comical take on the superhero story in which the...
The Making of 'Superman III'
Ernie Anderson narrates this look at the making of Richard Donner's blockbuster 1978 film. Behind-the-scenes footage, as well as scenes from the...
The Making of 'Superman: The Movie'
Documentary about the making of the sequel to Superman.
The Making of 'Superman II'
This behind-the-scenes documentary follows Team Salkind as they set out to bring Santa's "true" story to the screen. Dudley Moore (Patch) hosts;...
Santa Claus: The Making of the Movie
A look at the history of the comic book publication that launched such legendary characters as Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman.
Secret Origin: The Story of DC Comics
A 5-part documentary of the history of Superman in the movies. • Origin - Superman in the media and the challenges the Salkinds faced •...
You Will Believe: The Cinematic Saga of Superman