Three homeless teenage rejects struggle to survive together. Of them, Andreia is pregnant, while Pedro and Ricardo hustle, steal and are exploited by...
The Mutants
Ana lives in a little village by the sea, with her husband and daughter. He decides to leave for a few days. That seems to be the ideal solution,...
Water and Salt
What stops two people from being together? A third one. What stops one person from fighting for another? Nothing. Pedro lives in the suburbs, where...
Breathing Under Water
The darkness of night, a barely lit place, motorbikes flirting with danger: a group of teenagers at a crossroads playing chicken with unaware passing...
O Capacete Dourado
Concerns an Irish woman, Cathy (Pauline Cadell), who dearly loves her Portuguese lawyer husband, Pedro (Rui Morisson); however, unbeknownst to her,...
Dora divides her time between her work as a beautician, her policeman husband António, and her involvement in left-wing politics. A tale of...
From Now On
Rui, A teenage boy works in his father shop and has an old brother that is a policeman. His father is about to close the shop, because of money...
Jogo da Glória
Villaverde’s answer to the “Venice 70: Future Reloaded” challenge.
A tragic-comedy over a dysfunctional Portuguese family. The story of six people who love, hate, split up and meet again - Messias, the husband, a...
Forget Everything I've Told You