A young woman receives a diary as an inheritance from her father, in which he tells her that she must take a trip to Chiapas, a requirement for...
Diary of an Unexpected Journey
Javi is undocumented and on the verge of being deported, when he bumps into his estranged best friend Hunter, a boisterous bachelor yearning for...
The Compatriots
Hostage negotiator Alan Bender is called to rescue the president from a kidnapping, only to find himself also mediating to save his wife and marriage.
Non Negotiable
Bullied by his siblings and nagged by his parents, 11-year-old Preston is fed up with his family -- especially their frugality. But he gets his...
Blank Check
Milagros Baez is a young, working class under-confident Puerto Rican woman whose life is changed for the better when she begins to learn about the...
Millie and the Lords