1970. Beatriz is an 18-year-old student. She is detained by the military dictatorship in Curitiba, Brazil, and tortured for ten days accused of...
In a dog-eat-dog world, Raimundo Nonato has found an alternative way to move ahead: he cooks. No matter what social strata this deceptively innocent...
Estômago: A Gastronomic Story
This is the story of Alice Junior, a transgender girl full of life, who wants to give her first kiss, but first, she just wants to be who she really...
Alice Júnior
Maycon is a boxer who trains to return to the ring while sharing his time with two underemployees. Malu's father, the result of a casual...
After an ecstatic drunken party, a couple wakes up without any recollection of the events of the previous night. When they find traces of a possible...
Night Terror
In 1894, with a coup d'état, President Floriano Peixoto closed down The National Congress, soon reinstated with co-religionaries in key...
The Price of Peace
Sequel to the award-winning 2007 film, Stomach 2 tells the tasty and bloody dispute between a faction leader and an Italian boss for control of the...
Estomago 2: The Cookfather