With participation of John Cage, Earle Brown, David Tudor, Gordon Mumma, David Behrman, Max Neuhaus, Morton Subotnik, Phil Corner, Joe Jones, Alvin...
New Music: Sounds and Voices from the Avant-Garde New York 1971
A surgeon is on the run from the police for unacknowledged reasons.
Dr. Chicago
The premise of the Dr. Chicago feature film trilogy is that Dr. Chicago (Alvin Lucier), a sex-change surgeon, is perpetually on the lam, fleeing the...
Cry Dr. Chicago
From George Manupelli's Doctor Chicago trilogy, starring Alvin Lucier as the evil (and politically incorrect) surgeon on the lam, Dr. Alvin Chicago...
Ride Dr. Chicago Ride
A Tribute to John Cage is Paik's homage to avant-garde composer John Cage. A major figure in contemporary art and music, Cage was one of the primary...
A Tribute to John Cage
“Don’t ask me what I mean, ask me what I’ve made” – inspired by this motto, the documentary accompanies the American...
No Ideas But in Things - the composer Alvin Lucier
In 1975 the composer Robert Ashley embarked on an ambitious work titled Music With Roots in the Aether. He called it an Opera (or piece of theater...
Music with Roots in the Aether: Opera for Television by Robert Ashley