Count Dracula adjourns to Earth, accompanied by Frankenstein's Monster, the Wolfman, the Mummy, and the Gillman. The uglies are in search of a...
The Monster Squad
Inspired by terrifyingly true events... When demons infest the cell phone of a troubled teenage girl, her demonic possession soon follows, forcing...
The Demons Within
Jane Seymour makes a six-course meal of her starring role as a magazine editor in Obsessed With a Married Woman--indeed, her performance is the only...
Obsessed with a Married Woman
They collect toys. She collects souls. A group of friends must stand together to take down the demon, Princess Acula, before it is too late.
Retro Freaks
The mysterious owner of a costume shop rents a Santa Claus suit to three very different men: a math teacher trying to get the nerve to propose, a...
The Man in the Santa Claus Suit
Los Angeles is about to be hit by a devastating earthquake, and time is running out to save the city from imminent danger.
10.0 Earthquake
Prestonburg, KY is a small blue-collar town with hunting, fishing, coal mining, and two of the biggest names in online horror talk radio: Wes Vance...
Into the Pit: The Shocking Story of Deadpit.com
Caesar and his half brother Otto take on duties as Santa and his elf. However, the bodies begin to pile up when a fellow store Santa (CKY's Deron...
Caesar and Otto's Paranormal Halloween
When loser Duke, who has screwed up every hair-brained scheme he's ever come up with, accidentally falls off a cruise ship and wakes up on a...
Isla Monstro
A man heads for Mexico with a mobster's girlfriend.
Kiss My Grits
A girl grieving the horrific loss of her parents moves in with relatives, who try their best to welcome her into the family.
A documentary that explores the power of cult film told through the lens of the Monster Squad and the impact it has on fans, cast and crew and the...
Wolfman's Got Nards
An exploration of '80s horror movies through the perspective of the actors, directors, producers and SFX craftspeople who made them, and their impact...
In Search of Darkness
The story of Lance and his unlikely friendship with a self-aware, pint-sized automaton.
Baby Frankenstein
Two children discover that their mother is gone. The youngest of the pair, adventurer and upcomming singer, Long Johnson forces his older sister,...
Wish Upon a Unicorn
The ultimate ‘80s Horror retrospective just got BIGGER. In Search of Darkness: Part II is a four-hour-plus sequel to the Rondo Hatton-nominated...
In Search of Darkness: Part II
This is a feature-length look into the creation of the 20 year old cult-classic, Monster Squad, including interviews with writer/director Fred...
Monster Squad Forever!