In 1988, American video game salesman Henk Rogers discovers the video game Tetris. When he sets out to bring the game to the world, he enters a...
A teenager wakes up near a cliff, injured and unable to remember how he got there. He is chained to a man in a suit and there is a gun gaffer-taped...
Belfast, 1972. Laurence welcomes his cousin and man-on-the-run Mickey to a party of drinking, dancing, and young love. But come morning, reality...
The Party
England, early 20th century. The future writer and philologist John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (1892-1973) and three of his schoolmates create a strong...
Soldier Brian Wood, is accused of war crimes in Iraq by the human rights lawyer Phil Shiner. The two men go head to head in a legal and moral...
Danny Boy
A true-life drama in the 1920s, centering on British explorer Col. Percy Fawcett, who discovered evidence of a previously unknown, advanced...
The Lost City of Z