Mark Hunter, a lonely high school student, uses his shortwave radio to moonlight as the popular pirate DJ "Hard Harry." When his show gets blamed for...
Pump Up the Volume
After a man is accused of driving his third wife to suicide, his first wife Hedda, a troubled woman who can't hate or hurt others even if they had...
"Cowboy Up" is a celebration of the risk-taking, daredevil personalities of modern rodeo. In the world of professional bull riding, newcomer Ely...
Cowboy Up
A demanding woman and her daughter knock heads when the daughter, aspiring to be less reliant on her family, moves in with a troubled friend.
The Less Than Perfect Daughter
The "Coldfire" is a lethal new designer-drug with destructive capabilities. Its origins are unknown...and its effects are irreversible. This drug...
"We hold each other's fragile hopes in our hands... as everything we say and do has the potential to shape another's dreams."
Molder of Dreams
When career-focused journalist's investigation indirectly causes a suicide, he questions his own methods and life in general.
The Image
The story of the discovery of the AIDS epidemic and the political infighting of the scientific community hampering the early fight with it.
And the Band Played On