The film is about the childhood of Lord Ganesh. The film covers a) Lord Ganesh's birth and b) The story behind Lord Ganesh's voracious appetite which...
Bal Ganesh
Mai is a story of an old desolate mother (Asha Bhosle) suffering from Alzheimer's and being tossed between her four children. The only son who she...
This film revolves around a boy who accesses his dead mother and comes to know of things he hadn't known of her past.
Final Liberation
Indian cinema has the largest audience of any art form on the planet. With a population of over a billion, India has recently enjoyed an economic...
Bollywood and Beyond: A Century of Indian Cinema
1 Giant Leap is a concept band and media project consisting of the two principal artists, Jamie Catto and Duncan Bridgeman. This is the film part of...
1 Giant Leap
Documentary about Indian film music with interviews of AR Rahman, SRK and Asha Bhosle.
Bollywood - Indiens klingendes Kino
A film dedicated to the late Padma Shri Avinash Vyas, the iconic Indian music composer, lyricist, and singer, celebrated for creating around 1200...
Sur Shabdanu Sarnamu