A German documentary about the activities of Kaiser Wilhelm II during his exile in the Netherlands.
Some of the Life of Our Emperor in Doorn
Scenes of the former kaiser in what later became known as the Weimar Republic, and his other travels at the time.
From the Heyday of Emperor Wilhelm II
Reportage about the commotion at the Dutch Eijsden train station after the arrival of Emperor Wilhelm II. This film must have been made on November...
Kaiser Wilhelm in Eijsden
Huis Doorn III
Doorn Juli 1931
Italian and German sovereigns, Umberto I and Margherita of Savoy, Wilhelm II and Augusta Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein, walking down the stairs and...
Départ en gondole de Leurs Majestés
Two gondolas, slowly approaching, dock along the wharf, and both Italian and German sovereigns disembark: Umberto I accompanied by Wilhelm II, and ...
Arrivée en gondole des souverains d'Allemagne et d'Italie au palais royal de Venise
Wilhelm II. arrives in Haifa, Israel.
Landung in Haifa
Wilhelm II. visits a market place in Beirut, Lebanon.
Marktplatz in Beirut
Kaiser Wilhelm II appears before the people in Damascus.
Kaiserparade in Damaskus
Wilhelm II. returns from his trip to Bethlehem
Seine Majestät von Bethlehem zurückkehrend
Kaiser Wilhelm II arrives in Constantinople.
Einfahrt in Konstantinopel
A military parade through Berlin.
Emperor and Empress of Germany