The divergent lives of twin brothers, Raúl, a violent policeman, and Valentín, a mentally handicapped man, cross paths again when the...
Lolita's Club
Lucía (Belén Rueda) is a woman for whom leading a model life and taking control of her life is the most important thing. Since she got...
The Perfect Family
A chronicle of the life of a middle-class French girl's sexual adventures, her then fall into prostitution, and her ultimate redemption.
Diary of a Nymphomaniac
Following the failure of his last mission, RFG spy Michael Roddick decides to disappear, taking along Elena, the daughter of a Russian spy who died...
Black Flowers
In a couple, dominates the one that loves less. Julia (Rose Avalon), 17 years old, has a blind in one eye cat and an enormous dependence from his...
Pactar amb el gat
Tocats pel foc
In Madrid, Spain, Lucía and Xiang, two nine-year-old Chinese girls, meet at the beginning of the school year.
Nao's day-to-day life is guided by MOM, an advanced artificial intelligence capable of adopting an overprotective role in people's daily lives to the...
Anna Fritz is a beautiful and famous actress. Suddenly her body is found in a hotel and the news of her death goes around the planet. The young, shy...
The Corpse of Anna Fritz
Joc de mentides
Carles, príncep de Viana
A former convict, an immigrant unemployed and a successful entrepreneur are the three protagonists of this portrait of inland Catalonia, which...
Catalunya über alles!
"Station of the forgotten" chronicles the relationship between Domingo, an old sailor stranded away from the sea and Pau, a teenager who finds...
Station of the Forgotten
A man explains his suicide, long meditated, as a manifestation of protest against the time in which he has lived. He tries to make an apology for the...
Res Publica
No Love Lost opens on an abandoned factory, or industrial space. Blood on the concrete floor and the sound of violence off-screen. The back of a...
No Love Lost
After a tragic turn of events at the new home he's fixing up, Daniel hears a ghostly plea for help, spurring him to seek out a famous paranormal...
Don't Listen
Elena has ordered dinner at home, but when she opens the door, she discovers that the delivery man is Manu, the one who was her great love and whom...
Places Where We've Never Been