When disillusioned Swedish knight Antonius Block returns home from the Crusades to find his country in the grips of the Black Death, he challenges...
The Seventh Seal
In a small town lies Villa Villerkulla, and in that villa a small girl, Pippi Longstocking, has moved in with her horse and monkey.
Pippi Longstocking
A quick overview of Swedish film history, featuring a breathtaking cavalry of scenes from about 170 films.
Minns ni?
Gugge and Nuffe work at the competing meat wholesalers AB Delikatesser and AB Skånedelikatesser. The two companies compete for a large order...
Springpojkar är vi allihopa
Susanne is a woman in her mid-30s and the owner of a modeling agency in Stockholm. She accompanies her prize model, Doris, on a trip to Gothenburg so...
Orphan Didi is raised by her aunts and in love with her ward, the surgeon Dr. Gunnar Green. He is more interested in the stars of the theatre so Didi...
A Little Flirt
Sture Letterström and Kurre Svensson take on the task of rescuing a secret document during World War II from a group of Swedish Nazis. Since...
Little Martin Returns
Birgit Johansson works at the Match Factory in Jönköping. In a matchbox she puts her photo and address to find a partner.
Rosor varje kväll
The old count Kristian Örnklo has four children spread around the world since his career as a diplomat, children he has never met. His doctor...
The Bachelor Father
Carl Malm is a goodhearted man who runs a railway station. He lives together with his maid and her seven kids.
Stinsen på Lyckås
Sten Stensson Stéen dies when he gets a wooden box in his head, and he enters heaven in a balloon.
The Balloon
Karl and Ada are engaged, Gustaf is a sailor and in love with Elsa. For her sake he's willing to stay ashore.
Vi Masthuggspojkar
Farmer Mårten Esbjörnsson has three adult sons who all want to find a wife to marry. However, all the young women of the neighborhood seem...
Maggi meets David after having missed her train, and they spend the night together. Penniless, the young lovers break into a summer cottage. The...
It Rains on Our Love
The Troubadour sits at a rock beside his summerhouse Sjösala in the Stockholm archipelago. He is composing a new ballad, when his son Sven...
Tage breaks up with his girlfriend Dora when he falls in love with the ballet dancer Maud.
Vi som går scenvägen
Two photographers from Stockholm go to the west coast on behalf of their employer, who is a swimwear manufacturer. They will look for the season's...
Love, Sunshine and Songs
In the Skåne manor house Cronoholm, the rich Baron Rutger Cronsköld live with his two children Börje and Martha.
Flickorna på Solvik
The plot revolves around Edvar Månsson, a farmer living in Skåne, Sweden.
South of the Highway