In this tribute to the late comedian Sam Kinison, comedy legend Rodney Dangerfield is joined by Kinison's brother Bill as the pair introduce some of...
Brother Sam: A Tribute to Sam Kinison
Get ready to scream with laughter! Sam Kinison's primal scream will echo down through the comedy hall of fame summing up so much of modernity's...
Sam Kinison: Family Entertainment Hour
For fans of comedy, Sam Kinison needs no introduction. His scathing comedy tackled tough topics no other comedian dared to touch. Fed up and...
Sam Kinison: Why Did We Laugh?
A feature-length documentary film exploring the life and legacy of shock comic Sam Kinison, a former Pentecostal preacher turned stand-up comic who...
I Am Sam Kinison
Comedy Dynamics sits down with Sam Kinison's brother, Bill, to set the record straight on the stories surrounding this legendary comedian. Including...
Sam Kinison: The Scream Continues