The family Gyldenkål is actually called Iversen, but have changed their name, after numerous problems with the IRS, loan sharks and employers....
The Goldcabbage Family
The Goldcabbage Family Breaks the Bank
The Goldcabbage Family Gets the Vote
Kassen stemmer
The neighbourhood is tough. New-built concrete towers, which are not yet completely finished but already slum. Daily police raids. Daily suicide...
Sallys Bizniz
Sparekassen - eller Når enden er god, er alting godt
Forever bungling private investigator Henry Brilliant has been hired by Maxine de la Hunt to protect her step-daughter Marigold during her trip to...
Going Undercover
A new foreman, Huus, arrives in a sleepy Danish village, much to the delight of the unmarried women there. However, Huus becomes very friendly with...