The film focuses on the tumultuous romance in the lives of four women in The Hague. Teenage daughter Eva, her mother Judith, aunt Barbara and older...
Madly in Love
The fourth movie about the popular teacher Mees Kees.
Mister Twister at the Pitch
Meral (8) just moved into a new town. She tries to make friends at her new school before their autumn school camp, but this is harder than expected....
Owls & Mice
Follow the adventures of the real St. Nick and all his helpers.
Sinterklaasjournaal: De Meezing Moevie
Hakkuhbar - Vet Heftig
This is the third movie from the "Mijn Vader is een Detective" film series.
Mijn Vader is een Detective: The Battle
Sinterklaas in Sesamstraat 2010
Sinterklaas in Sesamstraat 2012
Sinterklaas in Sesamstraat 2011