The adventures of sassy, outspoken box turtles Rafi and Hank and their friend, a gruff snapping turtle named Goliath. After vandals break into a...
Turtle Tale
In an alternate present-day where magical creatures live among us, two L.A. cops become embroiled in a prophesied turf battle.
Devoted lifeguard Mitch Buchannon butts heads with a brash new recruit. Together, they uncover a local criminal plot that threatens the future of the...
The adventures of teenager Max McGrath and alien companion Steel, who must harness and combine their tremendous new powers to evolve into the...
Max Steel
When Grace's father brings a foreign maid into their conventional home, the life she's accustomed to is shaken by a dark secret... and her own...
Pembroke Circle
After two mysterious deaths at a college on the same night, seven students somehow connected receive invitations to a confessional booth hidden on...
Close friends Marcus and Holly begin their freshman year at a tough public high school in Baltimore County, Maryland. When Cassie, a well liked...
What We Found
A veteran police detective becomes a criminal justice teacher and baseball coach at a local high school, leading him to the most important...
The Investigator
After discovering his old flame now has Alzheimer's, a hopelessly in love widower fakes his way into her senior living community in an effort to...
Remember Me