An elite group of five mercenaries, each with highly specialised skills, who are hired to take out a German Command Center situated deep within a...
Apocalypse Mercenaries
Virgil Oldman is a world renowned antiques expert and auctioneer. An eccentric genius, he leads a solitary life, going to extreme lengths to keep his...
The Best Offer
After his beloved wife dies, an unbalanced painter who believes himself to be the reincarnation of Vincent Van Gogh goes over the edge and digs up...
Blood Delirium
This is one of the five films legendary director Lucio Fulci supervised in 1989 to re-use some of the gory bits for his 1990 gorefest "A Cat in the...
Bloody Psycho
A jewel thief hides his loot in a WELL while escaping. He returns several years later only to find there is a Resort on the site and the well is the...
The Hideout
A farming community make their money through kidnapping children and selling their vital organs on the black market.
Hansel and Gretel
The film depicts the last hours in the life of great Danish King Christian IV, told exclusively from a horse carriage. The focal point is Christian's...
Christian IV
A voice speaks from the television to the popular presenter David. With the help of a neurologist, he gives this vision a face and turns it into his...
The Dream Man
A small provincial town is buzzing with excitement: the town´s most illustrious son, a world-famous opera singer, is coming home. Meanwhile,...
When a Man Comes Home
In a sordid account of mutual charity, an alcoholic doctor tries to make a captive heroin addict kick her self-destructive behavior — and...
Reflections in a Dark Sky
Fashion icon Coco Chanel, steeped in wealth and fame, still issues game-changing designs and collections. The audience is taken backwards in time to...
Coco Chanel