Strange "lifepods" have crashed in the western mountains, bringing with them supernatural beings previously found only in the realm of folk-lore and...
The story of Scottish psychiatrist RD Laing and his unique community at Kingsley Hall, East London in the 1960s.
Mad to Be Normal
An independent-minded American tour guide is fired from her job in Rome just before Christmas. She crosses paths with an American executive named...
Christmas in Rome
A special girl, a cigar box, a dead bird. Today Thea adds a new player to her collection.
Multi-Award winning surreal period short with a sci-fi twist. In an idyllic village a young girl is revealed to exert a sinister level of control...
Emma relinquishes her job so a colleague with a family will keep his. Contemplating life’s next steps, Emma meets a professional dancer, Leo...
Paris Christmas Waltz