When a supernatural pit worshipped by a remote community in the woods demands a new blood sacrifice, a young woman struggles to find a way to survive...
Jug Face
On Halloween night, a sorority house is overrun with ghosts, while a vengeful housemother goes on a killing spree.
American Horror House
Dispatched from his basement room on an errand for his mother, slacker Jeff might discover his destiny (finally) when he spends the day with his...
Jeff, Who Lives at Home
Counselors are being killed off at summer camp, and Sam is stuck in the middle of it. Instead of contacting the cops, he calls his friend and...
You Might Be the Killer
The Winter Family is Christmas royalty in New Iberia, Louisiana, and Sarah Winter, a successful lawyer and former Miss Christmas, is no exception....
Christmas in Louisiana
Set in a post-apocalyptic world, young Thomas is deposited in a community of boys after his memory is erased, soon learning they're all trapped in a...
The Maze Runner