The story of Venezuelan revolutionary, Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, who founded a worldwide terrorist organization and raided the OPEC headquarters in 1975...
The Afro-Berliner DJane Sweety, the Italian karate teacher Gino and his German half-brother Ninja are in deep trouble. They fight for survival:...
The Woddafucka Thing
The four friends Lukas, Julius, Gino and Sanchez are trying to survive the everyday life in Neukölln, Berlin between drugs, gangs, rap, violence...
Sun and Concrete
Mortal World 2 tells the story of the Mermer family, who now continues their lives as outlaws, struggles with their own problems. Serhan has...
Mortal World 2
A pseudo documentary study of an archetypal German who tries to model his world according to his ideas of law and (sexual) order.
Quiet as a Mouse
A young lawyer stumbles upon a vast conspiracy while investigating a brutal murder case.
The Collini Case
During the day Paul works in a Berlin pet shop and in the evening he works on his career as a comedian. Things are going really badly until he cracks...